medical updates
Published on December 25, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Merry CHRISTmas everyone! None of our circumstances changes any of history and God's continual love for us that is demonstrated everyday.

The weaning process from the respirator continues. Everyday that goes by without a surprise or set back is a good day for Mom. It is one more day of her bones healing. It is one more day of hope in that she can be rehibilitated. ( what degree, no one knows right now) It's been a good day, because it was another day I spent conversing with God than I normally do. It's been a good day, because our family had another opportunity to unify. It's been a good day to have another opportunity to share with you and the friendships that have been nurtured with members of our family because of this incident. It's been a good day to again serve God.

"Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last". unknown author

God Bless
on Dec 26, 2003
The author of that would be Lanny Wolfe. Our youth chior once made a trip to New York City with he, his wife Marietta and another member of their trio. We all went there to hold a crusade. It was back in the mid 70's. We sang on the street corners of the city and in Greenwich Park by day and invited folks to church later in the evening. We held our crusade at the Manhatten Center. I remember they brought in 2 large horse trofts to baptize people in the lovely name of Jesus Christ. Many there received the baptizm of the Holy Spirit and spake with other tongues. I even saw Catholic nuns there at the alter speaking in other tongues. It was amazing.
Here are all of the words that go to the song...its called, "Only One Life"

"Only One Life" as written by Lanny Wolfe


It matters so little, how much you may know
The places that you've been, or the people you know
For it all comes to nothing, when placed at His feet
Its nothing to Jesus, only memories to keep


Only one life, so soon it will pass
Only whats done, for Christ will last
Only one chance, to do His will
So give to Jesus, all your days
Its the only, life that pays
When you recall, you have but one life


The days pass so quickly, the months come and go
The years melt away, like new fallen snow
Spring turns to summer, summer to fall
Autumn brings winter, then death comes to all


Now you can take, all the treasure, from far away lands
Take all the riches, you can hold in your hands
And take all the treasure, your riches can buy
But what will you have , when its your turn to die

I hope this will bless you...GCJ

on Dec 26, 2003
Shawn, Pray you are feeling better. Your Mom is always on my mind and in my prayers. Talking today with Pat and Betty about how God used her one evening. We all miss her. Joan
on Dec 27, 2003
sobering thoughts in the verses of the song Only One Life, but great hope in the words of the chorus. God's grace be sufficient for your needs today, and may the songs of the psalms be music to your soul.
on Dec 29, 2003
I lost a grandson in October; he, too, went through on again off again life-saving accouterments. I feel your anxiety and pray your mother will pull through.
on Jan 31, 2004
Thank you I have looked for this all over... I would love to find the soundtrack for it.... or sheet music... God Bless YOU