Merry CHRISTmas everyone! None of our circumstances changes any of history and God's continual love for us that is demonstrated everyday.
The weaning process from the respirator continues. Everyday that goes by without a surprise or set back is a good day for Mom. It is one more day of her bones healing. It is one more day of hope in that she can be rehibilitated. ( what degree, no one knows right now) It's been a good day, because it was another day I spent conversing with God than I normally do. It's been a good day, because our family had another opportunity to unify. It's been a good day to have another opportunity to share with you and the friendships that have been nurtured with members of our family because of this incident. It's been a good day to again serve God.
"Only one life, twill soon be past. Only what's done for Christ will last". unknown author
God Bless