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Published on March 14, 2004 By ShawnSkeele In Philosophy
Chapter 4, "Made to last forever"

It's bad enough to lose a loved one, and death is not a subject we generally feel comfortable talking about though it's the one certain thing we can count on in this life. Since it has a tremedous impact on others left behind, you would think that the subject would be more prevelent. Why is it not?.....our own uncertainty or lack of conviction? "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven" ..... "for Thine is the Kingdom FOREVER".

Once again, how you view this issue depends on your view of how and where life begins....with God or through cosmic evolution or an impersonal force. Your worldview answers the question if there is immortality or not. If immortal and embracing a Christian worldview, there are parameters in this life and a relationship with God through Christ that one must pursue with all their heart, mind and soul. Reincarnation conveniently dismisses the relationship aspect but karma at least recognizes the parameters of right and wrong.

The Bible tells us we will give an account for every single word we speak. That statement alone is a huge burden to me. It tempers my speech and opinions compared to the past. Sometimes comments have an impact that are easy to see in other people's lives in the short term and sometimes we have no idea. What effect they have for eternity, I can't even begin to fathom.

I continually ask my children about the possible consequences for their choices, good and bad. Children are usually short term in their thinking. It's amazing how many of us are also when it comes to the subject of immorality and how our actions now have an impact on it.

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