There have been some inquiries about visiting Mom again. We are hestitate about giving the green light on this but know that the contact is good for Mom from a mental and emotional standpoint. We have to emphasize that your health be such not to risk putting Mom in danger. A cold for her could be a huge thing and potentially harmful to her well being. If you can wait another week or so, it would be in Mom's best interest. One idea is to make a video or cassette tape and to give it to a family member to play for her. This would be a hoot for Mom, I am sure. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Today, a cat scan was done to check on the progress with the 2nd vertabrae that was fractured. We should have the results of this tomorrow hopefully. Mom's sleeping has been eradict lately. Pray that the gift of sleep would come often and without interruption. Mom's left arm movement has been virtually nill. This is a concern of ours but hope rehab will begin to get her to use it again. The left hand and fingers have been curled up for so long that the tendons need a lot of work strenching out so that she can fully extend the fingers. Pray that this would begin to happen.
Following is a generic schedule for Mom's rehab if you think about her during the day and are led to pray for her:
8:30am Breakfast Club ( breakfast and interacting with others)
9-10am Gym
10 COG - section to develop coordination/dexterity, speech therapy, etc. They have access to computers, games and internet.
10:30 rest in bed
Noon Lunch Club
1pm COG
1:30 dayroom/ tv and piano in there
2 Gym
2:30 COG
3 Gym
5 Dinner Club
Pray for her stamina in increase as the days progress. Thank you again for everything that you all contribute in some small way.