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medical updates
4/22/04 Mom Update
Published on April 22, 2004 By
Home & Family
Greetings to all you precious souls as Rupert would say. Go Rupert! If you have no idea who he is, he's one of the last 6 contestants on "Survivor". In real life, I'm routing for Mom and she's doing pretty good with her trials and challenges. I'm going to break down her progress in 4 areas: Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy and medications
Occupational Therapy:
There is continued improvement with her left arm gaining more movement and dexterity with the fingers. She is able to do more with daily maintenance in the bathroom, dressing, reading and writing. Her checkbook skills are doing very well with some confusion with mathematics at times but accurate for the most part. She still needs help getting to a standing position and balance but improving every week. Friday, she will begin getting reacquainted with the kitchen by cooking some french toast.
Speech Therapy:
He speech is more fluent and quicker. Her wit and sarcasism continues to bring humor and helps express her reality as she views it. Mom has started a journal that helps express her thoughts and practice writing skills. Her printing is more ledgable. There is confusion of dates, but has no problem remembering when people say they are coming back to visit and what they should be bringing! Her organization skills with thought and reasoning is improving also. Deductive reasoning is the most challenging of the task.
Physical Therapy:
Mary Ellen is her therapist. She has the toughest job I think because she causes Mom pain that is necessary for her to improve but knowing how hard to push Mom can be difficult. I told Mary Ellen that the teachers I had who pushed and challenged me the most were the ones I admired the most later in life. Hang in there, Mary Ellen. Mom constantly walks 60 ft with a 4 legged cane and some assistance to help with balance. Her strides are longer and has mastered the heal-toe style vs. the Frankenstein stomping style. Her hips are still weak but getting stronger. Fatigue is still a factor.
Since getting out of the hospital, Mom has been weaned from have the medications she was taking. Medications being taken help with blood thinning, heart rate normality, mood stability, arthiritis and pain.
Overall, things are progressing nicely. As long as she continues to progress, it a good day. Progress has been so good that furlows may be granted this weekend to get out for 3-4 hours. Dinner and the zoo are on the agenda Sunday afternoon possibly. We hope to have Mom home by July.
Your visits and calls are encouraged. A big sloppy hug and kiss goes out to all you pray warriors.
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