Tomorrow, Mom will be coming home for good! We encourage phone calls and visitation with notice. She will still need extensive care at home. There is still limited usage of her left arm and hand. It's only a guess as to how much she will be able to use them. Indications from the brain injury are still evident, but a lot less than what anyone thought.
The continuing of this website is being discussed now that Mom is able to communicate effectively and at home to make and receive phone calls. The decision will be made known soon.
I want to personally thank all of you that have taken time to pray to God the Father for Mom and the family. The support is appreciated more than you will ever know or my ability to convey in words. May you know God's pleasure and approval for standing in the gap for Mom. I pray you may know His affirmation for you more than ever before. I pray that you would continue to press forward into knowing the Father's heart assured He will be with you always no matter what valleys you will travel.