medical updates
Published on December 2, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In History
Mom was coming back from Church on 11/16/03 around 1:05 pm and loss control on an icy road going off the road and hitting the corner of a house. Due to weather, they could not get the helicopter there and she was rushed to University Hospital. She had to be recessitated once and remained extremely unstable for the afternoon and evening.

There were signs of communication with the fingers on the right hand late Sunday night and Monday morning. Here are the extent of her injuries: Left side....8 broken ribs, clavical bone in shoulder, multiple fractures of the arm, elbow torn and exposed, fracture pelvis and upper femur. Everything else on the left side was severely bruised. Right side....a couple of ribs and her wist. There was obvious bruising to internal organs, resulting in the left lung collapsing and some "sheering"(tearing of nerve tissue) in the lower base of the brain. Her 2nd vertebrae in the neck was fractured but did not cut the spinal cord. She did have movement of all extremeties.

Siblings out of state were notified and scheduled plane tickets to CNY.
on Dec 09, 2003
I am Paul & Emily McKim's pastor. We've been praying as a church (Bethel Bible Church in Edwards IL near Peoria) for Connie since shortly after the accident. Thanks for this website so that we can keep our folks posted. We're praying for the best Christmas gift for Connie - complete recovery! Dean