medical updates
Published on December 2, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In History
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 11:29:02 -0500

For some of you this is new and some not. This message is going out to everyone we know and are inquiring about Mom or would want to know about past events concerning Mom. We are being swamped with calls at home and so to minimize this and to keep people up to date so they know specifically what to pray for, here is a brief history and update regarding Mom.

Mom had a car accident approximately around 1:oo pm Sunday afternoon coming back from church headed home. The details as to why are still being determined and may not know completely until Mom is able to tell us if she remembers it. She did not show any signs of stability with vital signs until around 10-11 pm Sunday night. As of 8:30 am Monday morning, she had opened her eyes once and shown communication by moving fingers with her right hand. She is at University Hospital in Syracuse in ICU.

This is what is known for sure: 2nd vertebrae in neck is cracked, no evidence of complete paralysis, multiple fractures of the left arm and ribs on left side, some internal bleeding(extent not known and where exactly), severe bruises all along left side, trauma to the left side of head.

There are other concerns that may later be discussed that we have no absolute confirmation on but she has been showing positive signs in the past 12 hrs. Your continued prayer is much appreciated along with involving other prayer chains you know of and people that would have some association with Mom who are not aware of the past events.

The seriousness of Mom's condition has moved from life threatening minute to minute, to very critical and the next 48 hrs will be revealing in terms of long term stability. No one at this point can even begin to speculate about long term mental and physical capabilities. Regardless, the road of rehab will be long and trying.

I will try to update this on a daily basis for the next week. My family thanks you for your prayers, support, concern and friendship.

Appreciatively Yours,

Shawn and family.

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