medical updates
Published on December 2, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family

I have good news to share with you all. As of this morning, Mom has shown consistant signs of stability with vital signs. Some swelling of her face has diminished where she looks recognizable. She has been responding consistantly with opening her eyes and movement of fingers. Because of this, the doctors have held off inserting a tube to the brain to measure pressure again the brain and how that can affect motor skills , etc. All her extremeties have been responsive to touch. Fluid from the lungs has been draining consistantly and improving. She has been put in a special type of bed that will help in her care and better secure all of her body. She will continue to be on a respirator machine for an unforseen time. Her condition has been upgraded from very critical to just critical. She will remain in ICU for the time being restricting visitation only to immediate family for now.

A cat scan yesterday has ruled out any stroke or aneurism which was suspected either before or after the accident. Another cat scan will be done today also to measure any internal progress that can be detected.

Specific things to pray for: 1. That the fluid from the lungs drains sufficiently so that those tubes can be removed. Once this is done, they can do an MRI which will tell us much more about her injuries and how to address them. 2. That she continues to respond to people. 3. Save travel for family coming from all over the nation and those making many trips locally. 4. That her time of recovery and healing is done with minimal pain and discomfort. 5. Give thanks!

Again, thank you all for your kind words, support and friendship. From what I have been able to ascertain, there are approximately 24 church prayer chains nationwide that Mom is on. Thank you!

Shawn and family

P.S. - For those family members coming in to visit, please confirm with me by email or cell exactly when your are coming and for how long if already determined. We need to coordinate lodging, meals, transportation from/to airports and hospital.

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