medical updates
Published on December 2, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Subject: a good day for mom
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 01:32:18 -0500

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11/21/03, 12:45 am.

Thursday was a good day in that there were no new complications or surprises. Vital signs are good on a regular basis and some positive steps are being taken we feel in trying help Mom. A different neck brace was installed Wednesday to better stable the neck area. Thursday, Mom has been moved onto a different bed that gives more options to the doctors for treatment. Her condition is still critical but having been almost over 4 days past the time of the accident is a big plus. With the feeding tube in, no collapsed lungs, fluid continuing to drain from the lungs, some response and awareness with the eyes and very knowledgeable personnel, were feeling more upbeat and less on edge about things.

Future objectives over the next week:

Get Mom sitting more upright to aid the pulmonary system.(Heavy emphasis to pray for this, please)
Continued response and frequency thereof.
Tubes to be removed from the lungs.
A halo device to be installed.
Less dependency on the respirator.

Please pray for our family. For approximately 18 hrs, all of Mom's 6 sons and daughter will be reunited which hasn't happened in over 20 yrs I think. Pray for each of us as the Spirit leads. Please pray for our children who have not seen much of their moms and/or dads this week.

My family and I thank those of you who have provided food dishes especially as more family members will be arriving this weekend.

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