medical updates
Published on December 2, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Subject: mom update
Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 02:34:36 -0500


"The prayer of a righteous man availeth much..." ( Eph 5:16) I come before you tonight with a thankful heart to God with His never ending grace and to the perseverance of the saints.

It's late, so this will be short and to the point. Prayers are being answered regarding the pulmonary issues. One of the two tubes in her left lung has been removed. The right lung is not draining much fluid, so that tube may come out tomorrow or Wednesday, Lord willing. Thank you for making this a focus in praying for Mom. It brings stability to her health over all so that other issues can be addressed.

The family would now ask you to focus praying for Mom's brain healing completely. The EEG test results have come back looking for clues about how the bruising of the brain is affecting Mom and how it may in the future. Even with the results back, no one can know with any certainty the extent of damage there is nor the long term ramifications. This is known for sure: Shearing or nerve tearing has occurred in the base of the brain around the cerebellum area that is associated with motors skills mostly. The things that tear are capillaries and neurons. The tearing of neurons are permanent, but the capillaries can redevelop or repair themselves. (..kind of like a computer remapping it's connections or the brain finding another way to tell the finger to move this way or that..) The tearing of both have occurred. The limited amount of response currently could last days, weeks or months. No one knows.

God is sovereign. This I know to be fact as well as many of you out there. This being the bedrock of the Christian faith, "...we know that in all things God works for good with those who love him, those whom he has called according to his purpose." (Rom. 8:28) His will come about. May He grant us discernment regarding it, patience for it to develop and the privilege of bringing it about.

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