medical updates
Published on December 5, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Today was a restful day for Mom. Her heartrate was strong and stable all day as well as the blood pressure though higher at times than what is preferred. If the vital signs remain stable, they will look to wean her from the respirator slowly starting tomorrow and through the weekend.

A cat scan was done this morning to look for any new developments. It revealed that the size of the contusion on the brain has shrunk a little! Just as the largest organ of her body is looking better(her skin), so are internal parts healing.

Mom did blink when I said hello to her today. The morphine certainly subdues her though it isn't as much as what she was getting one week ago. It was at level 3 where it is a 2 currently. Medications being administered still are for blood clotting, maintenance, pain and stabilization of heart rate and blood pressure.

We are 19 days past the accident. Everyday is another blessing in my opinion. There was a time when it seemed like "Friday"......but "Sunday" is coming!

on Dec 05, 2003
Praying often and know God's plan for her is GOOD.
on Dec 05, 2003
Shawn, There is ALWAYS a Sunday after a Friday. it's the Fridays that get us down. So thankful she had a restful day today. I hope she can sense the love and prayers that are surrounding her. Take care. Anything you folks need out there? How about Win? You know you can call on me for whatever I might be able to do. God bless. Bonnie