medical updates
Published on December 12, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Fathering attributes are mainly protection, provision and love. God continues to demonstrate them with Mom today. As of 3 pm, Mom was no longer being given any morphine. As of midnight, this was still true. She has been determining the number of breathes per minute, not the respirator which is down to 15 (was 20) that aides in pressure for the lungs. When that number gets down to around 7, she will be doing everything on her own and will not need the respirator shortly there after. The vital signs have been steady and strong all day.

There is fluid in the lung still with pnuemonia that causes partial blockage making her cough which is very painful for Mom just looking at her facial expressions.

Mom is referred to being at a "plateau" where the unexpected is not as much of a concern but still critical. They may move her to the "step down ICU". They say progress from here will be slow and gradual now. Let's hope "Sunday" comes sooner than they anticipate, eh?

Please focus prayer with the pnuemonia and family members as the Lord leads.

For those wanting to commit everyday to pray for Mom 5, 10, 15 or more minutes a day, click on the "PRAYER LOG" in the blue box on the right. Scroll down to comments stating your name and time(preferably not taken).
on Dec 12, 2003
Still can't find the "Prayer Log"
on Dec 13, 2003
Look to the right on your screen where it is colored blue. When you see the title" Prayer Log", double click on it.