Don't look too hard for a 12/16 update because there is none. The flu has infected everyone in my own family with high temperatures. Dad may have it also and seeing a doctor tomorrow morning. Scott's back continues to improve but still a factor.
I wish I had some encouraging news about Mom, but I don't. The reality of Mom's condition is that she is still in critical condition with unstable vital signs without heavy meds and even with them, has fluid building up in the right lung with the pnuemonia that makes her work harder and no possibility of kicking the respirator with it, (barring God's sovereignty)has not shown any movement of fingers and toes in the past week or so, has a restricting blood clot in the pulmonary artery(the main one from the heart to the lung) which puts her at a higher risk for a heart attack, stroke, anuerism etc, and continues to need pain medication on a regular basis. I state this in such a manner due to comments locally that Mom's doing just fine. My conversations with doctors, nurses and family say otherwise.
It has been brought to our attention that if and when Mom will have to leave the ICU at University Hospital, she will then need to stay at some facility that can treat her adequately for what lies ahead. Syracuse doesn't appear to be an option. It could be Rochester, Buffalo or even Boston. Not sure yet. Options will be discussed with Dad and family soon in hopefully preparing for that day.
Pray for the obvious above and family. We are being tested and may God's will be done.
Thank you all for your continued prayers and especially those who have committed daily at a specific time. Click on "PRAYER LOG" on the side in the blue shade if you wish to commit also.