They are again trying to wean Mom from dependency on the respirator and then put her back on so as to not over exhaust her. Medications have again be cut back except the heparin(blood thinner). There has been not word on the blood clot and if it is dissolving or not.
There is a possibility of Mom staying in the Syracuse area if she is completely free of the respirator after ICU at University Hospital. If not, are options being presented currently are Buffalo, Rochester, Albany and Boston. I look forward to this day actually coming but frown at the possibility of being out of town.
Pray that would first be healed completely, not for her sake or ours necessarily, but that God may unmistakenly take all credit and glory so as to further promote His Kingdom here on earth. He will do so regardless and His thoughts are higher than mine, but I will continue to ask. If His thoughts are not to heal her completely, pray Mom might kick the respirator before the end of the year.
Thank you and bless you all for your faithfulness. Persevere, keep the sin accounts short continually putting them under the blood and be bold and specific for that which you ask with a heart humble and meek enough to accept His thoughts.