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Published on December 22, 2003 By ShawnSkeele In Philosophy
By ShawnSkeele
Posted Friday, December 12, 2003 on connieskeele
Discussion: Philosophy

I encourage all to comment regardless of your worldview. Have ch 2 read by Christmas.

Before the accident, Mom and some ladies were reading through this book discussing it's content and application. Marty and I read this last year in 2002 with our cell group. I decided Mom and I would finish it together. Here are comments from the first chapter I shared with Mom. I encourage others who want to, to do the same for others to read, and I will read them to Mom also. This book was written in 2002 and made the top ten of best religious books for 2003. Chapter 1 addresses the question of where one should start in discovering your purpose and meaning in life. WHERE YOU START IS CRUCIAL to time and energy spent or wasted, but more importantly, the worldview you will most likely embrace where the consequences of blessings or curses will infect you, others, the culture and creation as a whole. Rick talks about starting with oneself is like handing you an invention and asking you or the invention what it should do. One is better off asking the inventor and/or reading the manual.

When asking "self", the questions tend to be selfish in nature. What do "I" want to be? What should "I" do with my life? Who do "I" want to marry? What can "I" get out of _______. (work, church, a relationship) Where do "I" want to live? Where do "I" want to work? We actually make a religion out of this. It's called humanism and secularism. The premise is there's no God. "Self" becomes the arbitor of truth deciding right and wrong. You make up or speculate what reality is but actually living in unreality. Living in unreality (outside of God's purpose for you, His laws and principles) will always leave a longing within for something more. We sense something is missing and so we speculate what it may be. We continually question our decisions, especially those areas we are being challenged. We seek a change of venue: a new wife, job, area to live and friends. We drift towards those that give affirmation validating our selfish worldview or our version of reality. Living in unreality always focuses on serving ourselves, building our own kingdom and buying into false doctrines.

Frank Perriti in a tape, "God's Way or My Way" does a great job in explaining false doctrines prevelant in our day taught by demons. 1Tim. 4:1, "The Spirit says clearly that some men will abandon the faith in later times; they will obey lying spirits and follow the doctrines of demons". These doctrines only feed the "self" idolatry to avoid having to answer to a personal external God or Authority. There are mainly five doctrines:

1. Truth is relative

Truth is based on opinion. Shows like Donahue, Sally Jesse, etc. thrive on those people who have bought into this lie. One's opinion is just as good as another's where political correctness says we need to agree to just disagree accepting truth to be relative. Nothing is's true! Nothing is knowable....I'm sure! Nothing matters, because if it did, someone would tell you what is true. This doctrine has no concrete hope and purpose in legacy or heritage to pass on to your kids. One is left to speculate creating your own purpose and meaning in life.

2. God is impersonal

There is no moral value system, consequences or accountabiltiy. No sin basically. Sin is just a tool used to control the masses through guilt. The powers that be are referred to as natural law. Instead of acknowledging the power evident in life, we internalize it being neat to have some of that power. It use to be that if it feels good do it. Now if it feels good, believe in it. Examples of this is new age thinking. "The force is within you, Luke. Believe in the force". The Star Wars movies is full of this doctrine. Crystals that draw psychic energy to oneself giving one power over people, things or circumstances.

3. All is one god

God and the creation are the same. You're God. I'm God. Everything is God. You just forgot you were God! Here, we look to man and God made objects to focus on( i.e. stars, creation, animals) to answer the question of our purpose and meaning in life. I'm awful glad that God and creation are separate because the creation is in such a degradated state that it needs help from the outside to lift us out of it's depair and hopelessness. That's part of salvation! Left to ourselves, we have seen what man(gender inclusive) has done and how God 's creation or the garden has been managed.

4. There is no death

" shall not surely die", the serpent said to Eve. This is the whole reincarnation bang. You get recycled! You evolve upward into like God. The kissing cousin lie to this is Karma. Satan is saying, "No, you have to work it off"(sin, corruption of the soul) In India, one justifies oneself not to help and serve others because a begger must have all this bad Karma and one doesn't what to hinder one's karmic evolvement. If born a begger, be the best begger you can be than maybe you'll come back as a millionaire. All this just flies in the face of God's grace. He gave us a way out of our predictament. Through Jesus Christ, you can escape the penalty of sin.

5. Cosmic Consciousness

Through drugs, yoga or a transcedental state, you can explore all there is to know from within yourself. Satan said to Eve, "When you eat of the fruit, your eyes will be opened and you will be like God."

It is amazing the bill of goods Satan has been selling through these doctrines and most of us have been buying into it. This is what we have come to when we start with or within oneself to answer the question of purpose and meaning to one's life.

"You were made by God and for God - and until you understand that, life will never make sense". R.W. You will continue to live in unreality with out the protection, provision and love of the Father that can only quench the yearnings of your soul.

Story time:
by David Long (one of my key mentors in life)

"Peanuts, the dog" - One day, a man went down to the pound and took home this dog that was about to be put to sleep. His name was Peanuts. The owner showed him this massive, lush green yard for him to play in and do anything he wanted pretty much. The owner showed and walked with Peanuts several times the boundary of his property. He said to Peanuts, " Do you understand that you need to stay in the yard and here you can have all these milk bones, towels and shoes galore to chew on and play with?" And Peanuts said, "Ruff, ruff, ruff"(yeh , yeh, yeh). The owner unleashed him and off darted Peanuts out of the yard, into the road causing an accident and almost getting hit too. The owner went to retrieve him bringing Peanuts back to the yard reviewing the boundaries. He asked Peanuts again. "Ruff, ruff, ruff". He unleashed him and off he went again this time in the woods where guns were going off being deer season. The owner retrieved him again and went through this process day in and day out until one day the owner realized Peanuts was not going to listen and drove a huge stake in the ground with a ten foot chain.

Pound = our separation from God by sin
Owner = God
Peanuts = Us
Yard = God's reality for us where he wants us planted to grow, purpose and meaning
outside of the yard = unreality or our speculation of purpose and meaning in life
boundaries = God's laws and principles
stake and chain = When we won't embrace God's laws and principles and Son that gives us life, they become a "heavy" as with the ten commandments

If you start with self, sooner or later you will get hit by the car or shot in life while affecting others around you also. Purpose and meaning starts with God. Nothing else makes sense.
on Dec 22, 2003
I am a product of evolution and it is up too me and/or the social enviornment that surrounds me, the experiences that happen too me dictates who I/we will be. It is not until one receives accountability that one is able to improve on one's life.

Man is so arrogant he can't live with the fact that he may just be part of the universal fabric and part of the circle of life and death. The unknown scares him and fear must be explained and controlled in order for a society to coexist.

I am not saying that miraculous things don't happen. Having been in the occult and the arcane 23 years I have seen poeple cured of cancers and not just christian religion. Native Americans hold many keys to this universe. The world is no longer milk and honey.

Satan is a name created by Christianity because the Jewish devil had a completely different name. The only way we can live in harmony on this planet is A) destroy religion, which won't happen because it is too ingrained into our world. Stop trying to convert everyone and killing them because they don't agree with another's god(s).

Man is like any other animal and only because of our intellect do we stray from all that nature essentialy created us too be. The whole reason we have overpopulation is because of modern medicine. Man was not meant to live 100 years and therefore has tossed the balance of nature out of whack. A society must decide as must each individual (if given the chance) to create their own way.

I did not know who I wanted too be until I was cleansed with the Yin-Yang of accountability per se. Until that time I was merely a product of my experiences and whatever external forces were trying to mold me i.e. TV, music, etc.
on Dec 22, 2003
Sorry Occult, Saten was named Saten before Christianity came into existence. Maybe it was the Jews that changed the name. Our Saten probably wasn't good enough for them, after all our messiah wasn't either. Jesus did say, "you'll know them by their fruits," not by their religion or by how many people they kill. GCJ
on Dec 22, 2003
Theological Science dictates other wise and it is well known in theological circles as the thieves religion. First off the bible is the rewritten offshoot of the jewish bible. Secondly the word Saten, Shaitan or Satan did not exist until Greek times. Seeing as how your book is stolen from the jewish testaments I would think Jews have precedence over any christian text. Thirdly the Roman Catholics corrupted the bible to fit their social needs at the time, kind of like what bush and America does to fit their needs. We'll make them see it our way attitude. I will however do some more research and write up a blog stating the reasons for this mythological arguement because I have been known to be wrong and that is what this is all about too me learning more ~smiles~
on Dec 22, 2003
A few things to say:

1. I am a devout Christian. But that said,

2. Your article was 1 part insightful, 10 parts naive. Don't try to reduce human pain, suffering, and love to a dog in a yard. It doesn't work.

3. To OccultPizza- Christianity is the fulfillment of the Jewish prophecies. The fact that they missed that fulfillent, ironically enough, is their fault, not the Christian's. Thus, the text is not stolen, it is simple the continuation. Just like chapter 10 of a book does not steal the preceeding chapters, it only continues them and fulfills the prophecies (foreshadowing and the like) within them.

4. The bible seems to me the shakiest part of Christianity. Most of the accounts have been proven beyond dispute (these proofs have been ignored, naturally, because scientists are idealist at the core and believe that what they do not know doesn't really exist) but many of the theories contradict my personal beliefs of what my God is. Why should Women be quiet in church? Why can't guys have long hair? Paul seems a little cheuvenistic, and frankly, I don't like a lot of the people in the bible. So if you think the bible is iffy, so do I. But I'm still 100% sure of God and Christ, and as far as I'm concerned that's what matters.

5. Don't judge Christianity by its simpletons. Every religion- even atheism and agnositicism, if you will excuse my calling them religions- has a wide spread of IQ's, from the peons to the mental giants. Keep that in mind and pick on people your own size. Don't be a theological bully.

6. Just wanted to put in an extra point for the fun of it:)

on Dec 25, 2003
Shawn's article on The Purpose Driven Life is a discussion of a well written book that many Christians have studied recently. The book is on the Best Seller list, which leads me to believe that many have read it. Shawn's reading it and sharing his insights is a tribute to his mom, who is grievously injured at present time. She recently led a discussion group on this book, of which I was a member. All of us in the group are Christians and it offered us a view of what life's purpose is about, from that standpoint. It was a wonderful group and we grew in many ways with the sharing of the contents and application to our lives. Since Connie is a good friend to many in our area, the study proved to be very helpful, coming as it did, so soon before her accident. Through the study, we are able to realize that, even though she is now in a critical state and perhaps may never return to us as we knew her, God's purpose in HER life is now being fulfilled. She continues to serve God even in her present state, and we are privileged to be a part of the purpose she served in this life. She reached us, and God used her and continues to do so, to fulfill His purpose in all of our lives. That is how we view it from a Christian stanpoint. Those who do not believe in God and who embrace other beliefs, whether other religions, the occult, or whatever it may be, seem to also have some view of purpose in life. We are all in the same boat, coping with and trying to get through, life. Does it matter how we do it? I say yes, it does. But that comes from my Christian belief. You might say yes, coming from another point of view. I agree with Dan that the fulfillment of the prophecy leads us to the ending chapters of the Bible. I think, from reading Occult Pizza, that he/she does not embrace this point of view. That is his/her choice.
Everyone has a purpose driven life. The question is, What is the purpose that is driving you? In our case, and in Connie's and Shawn's, the purpose is serving God, believing in Him, and fulfilling whatever His purpose for us may be. In that light, reading purpose Driven Life is a spiritual adventure. I wish Occult P. could read it in the same light. Keep your mind open, Occult P. You never know what your purpose may ultimately be. Bonnie
on Dec 26, 2003
Reply by Shawn Skeele

It's good to hear from some of you in private and via this forum. If comments are mostly naive from this "simpleton", I'd rather hear a comprehensive explanation, Dan, then just a blanket statement. It doesn't help me or others reading this. Regarding Peanuts the dog, lighten up. It's just a word picture demonstrating a sliver of a biblical worldview, not a catch all explanation to life (which would be the Bible and a relationship with God the Father). I'm glad you are "still 100% sure of God and Christ" though you view the Bible as the "shakiest part of Christianity". I'm curious as others are in how you came to that conclusion. What part of Christianity to you find to be most sound? How do you answer the question, "What is the purpose and meaning in life"? What subjective or objective criteria to you give as evidence of your conviction?

One "extra point".....Based on my limited years of experience and education, it's has become increasingly obvious that it takes a theologian to make the Bible complicated. What matters is the heart and attitude with which you approach God the Father and His handbook.

Thanks for the tidbit of info, GemCityJoe, on the author, Lanny Wolfe. The saying is on this plaque on my desk but never knew it's origin.

OccultPizza, I must say I'm perplexed. Most honest humanist are consistent in their worldview but you acknowledge several times to the fact that there is a "god in sacred space" or something or some force outside of yourself. You start off believing yourself to be a "product of evolution". Holding to this philosophy of "goo to you by way of the zoo", there is no objective criteria by which to know right and wrong. Everything is subjective based on what the individual believes to be right or wrong for them. You are a professed accident. You then state "it is not until one receives accountability that one is able to improve on one's life". By what measure or standard (such as laws, principles, sin)do you use to determine the improvement of one life through accountability? You speak of being "part of the circle of life and death" Lion King philosophy. Again being a product of chance and accident, how can there be a circle of anything? Your comment regarding animals and mankind with intellect being the distinguishing factor between us if confusing too. You say, "we stray from all that nature essentially CREATED us to be." How can one stray from anything if you are a random act and chance? Please define how we have "tossed the balance of nature out of whack" keeping within the confines of your professed philosophy in being a product of evolution?

"Cleansed with the Yin-Yang of accountability...." Cleansed from what? Accountable to who? It sounds like or based on your comments, you do know there is a "God in sacred space", you just don't know who it or he is. If you read through the doctrines of Satan I put forth earlier, you will see how you have actually bought into 3 of those doctrines. I also understand your handle, "OccultPizza", more. I'm guessing that a pizza being a combination of things meshed together symbolizes your worldview, bringing order to the chaos as you define it. I look forward to many more comments by you and others as we move forward to ch 2.