Saturday, 12/13/03, Mom ended up going back on the respirator. Vital signs were acting up again and indications of pain and discomfort were evident. The fluid in the right lung continues to cause problems with the breathing.
Sunday, a cat scan was done. A tube will have to be put in the right lung for draining. Also, a restricting blood clot of the pulmonary artery was detected. This is a profound concern. A "filter" will be placed in a vein in the hip that will filter the blood coming from the legs which is most likely where the clotting is coming from. jThe heparin blood thinner she has been on hopefully will along with the filter dissolve the clot in the artery. Pain medication on a regular basis has started.
The filter and tube will be put in tomorrow morning.
Please pray for the obvious, but also the nursing staff attending the floor. Scott's back is doing better as well as Dad's cold. My family and I though are fighting some bug. Marty and Autumn has a low grade fever and I fear it's affects are beginning on me tonight. I probably won't be able to see Mom for a couple of days.
God bless you all.
Appreciatively Yours,
Skeele Family