medical updates
Published on January 5, 2004 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Sorry for any concern caused recently in not updating this lately. I was in western NY visiting family who didn't have internet access.

Mom is continuing to build her endurance. Currently, she is up to 27 hrs without the ventilator and still strong. The longest before was 22 hrs. Her blood pressure is still high but now manageable. She went off the heparin blood thinner 1/1/04 and was put on coumadin, another blood thinner. This may be helping the blood pressure also.

The pneumonia has run it's course for the most part. They are going to be taking a chest x-ray this morning to see where that is at with the right lung.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. For those reading the "Purpose Driven Life", have chapter 3 read by Wednesday. There are still times available on the "Prayer Log" for those led to do so.

May God's hand of protection, provision and love rest upon all of you and your families. Amen.
on Jan 07, 2004
I am not getting good vibes from you, Shawn. Do you have any prognosis yet for your mother? It is hard not knowing what the future holds for Connie. Some days, I feel despondant. Pray for us who are waiting and watching, please.
on Jan 07, 2004
No one including doctors can even begin to speculate on a prognosis. Her bones are healing and she's building endurance to loose the ventilator. There are no guarentees she will, but she's heading in a positive direction. Physically she may heal to the point we she will be able to walk normal and play the piano again, but mentally, she may not be able to any of that. I'm not going to sugar coat this for anyone. It's not wisdom to do so, while diminishing the glory of God if He sovereignly chooses to heal her completely. Based on reading past updates, comments, emails and ongoing conversations, my prognosis of all this is that the physical battle Mom is going through only flickers to the spiritual battle that is raging with many who know her and some that don't. I encourage you and all who read this to pursue the Father with passion. If you have none or little, ask for it.

My prayers actually have shifted away from Mom specifically the past couple of weeks for those of you out there that know her. My prayer for you today is Eph 3: 14-21.