Today was a good day in that Mom is continuing to breathe on her own for the most part with some help from the respirator. She is going on 49 hrs with little assistance. The tracheotomy is last on the surgery schedule for tomorrow so I estimate mid to late afternoon. Mom and God have until then to prove otherwise.
The vital signs have been stronger today and more consistant. The doctors feel they have a handle on the balance of medications now. Seeing her heartrate and/or blood pressure spike, then hearing the call for a doctor, "stat", tends to wear on you emotionally and mentally.
My brother, Steve, others and I wish people could be with Mom at all times to read, talk and pray but from a medical standpoint, it's not advisable and the time logistics and health of immediate family members is such that it's not possible at this time. Steve though has inspired an idea. I know that all of you are praying for Mom daily, and our gratitude just can't be explained adequately. (...that was not a tear..) However, to insure that someone is always praying for Mom through out the entire day, I would like to propose the idea:
* Please prayerfully consider committing to 5, 10 or more minutes of prayer for mom everyday. Post on the website in the response area the time you are willing to commit. State your name and time slot. I will summarize the time slots taken. Our goal is to cover 24 hrs EST, so for those out west. please consider late evening time slots. Once the 24 hr time slots are filled, we can begin to stock pile time slots through out the day and night. This ought to be interesting. There are people out there that do not know Mom personally but stumbled upon the website and are praying for Mom and our family. THANK YOU!!!
Tomorrow, chapter one of the book, "The Purpose Driven Life" by Rick Warren will be discussed. Look under the heading "philosophy, TPDL 12/10/03"
God bless you all of you "precious souls"