medical updates
Published on January 15, 2004 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Mom was moved out of ICU Monday evening to the 5th floor where there are "normal" hospital rooms. She sits in her recliner during the day 4-8 hrs looking out her window of western Syracuse area. These rooms seem a lot smaller to me than I remember them from my days of youth. Since Mom has been off the ventilator now for 9 days and counting, she appears more alert of her surroundings and can respond to basic commands to move her extremities, we've been able to get her admitted to the brain rehab center there at University Hospital on the 2nd floor. They have a rather aggressive treatment for their patients and it was originally thought that Mom would not have the stagmina to endure it. They will take her for a week trial basis. If she can cut it, she stays. If not, she will most likely go out to a facility in the Albany area that is less aggressive.

Pray that the pnuemonia leaves altogether; No complications or other illnesses would hinder Mom's progress; Mom will have the strength and will to endure treatment here; the doctors will decide to keep her here in Syracuse.

Please continue to pray for Dad and family as we continue to make adjustments in every facet of life.

Please feel free to paruse the summary and opinions of CH 3, The Purpose Driven Life.

A sincere heart felt thank you goes out to you all who have shown the love of God to this family. I can say with words to communicate our gratitude, but I pray that God's peace and blessings upon you would be more of a reality in expressing our thanks. For those who live around here, don't be surprised if we give you a big sloppy hug and kiss!
on Jan 16, 2004
The kids and I are very happy to hear that Nokie is doing so well. Brian says that Nokie being moved out of ICU was the best Birthday present he got yesterday. We will keep praying that she continues to do well and will be able to stay at University Hospital for rehab.
on Jan 17, 2004
Praise the Lord. I could use that hug any time. We miss your mom's. Can't believe she can sit up all day. Cathie W. said she was much better. All we can say is the praise goes to Him. We are praying for you all. Joan

on Jan 17, 2004
How wonderful to hear thid news. So relieved and happy that she is off the respirator, sitting up and responding. And that she may be able to remain in Syracuse. Prayers ARE being answered. Love to all of you. Bonnie
on Jan 17, 2004
What wonderfuful news. I have a deep feeling that she will stay at University and will continue to progress. Our wonderful Lord is watching out for all of you.
on Jan 18, 2004
Shawn, I stopped Wednesday morning to see your Mom and stayed an hour. I spoke with the Occupational Therapist and suggested that if they needed a motivator in the future, relative to the extension of her fingers, that a keyboard might help. She, of course, seemed so vastly improved from the last time I saw her a week after the accident. I told the nurse, Stephen, about the CDs and they were turned on before I left. I'm delighted that the rehab unit there accepted her. My prayer will be that she will not only tolerate it, but thrive in the evironment.
Thanks for you faithful updates, Shawn.
on Jan 19, 2004
Shawn, Once again, the body of Christ prayed for your mom in a large number. At the annual meeting of the church today, we especially held her up before the Lord. And in our adult Sunday School class this morning, we praised Him for what He has already accomplished for and through her. I was glad to note that your Dad is looking a little bit better. I hope that means he is getting enough rest so that he is not wearing himself out. Glad, too, that you and your family are feeling better. Love to all, Bonnie