1/16, Friday morning, our family was in meeting discussing Mom and we received a phone call from the hospital. It appeared that the pneumonia( yellow mucus, fever, etc) may be acting up again and that they would not admit her to the rehab center but to review her case next Tuesday.
1/17, Saturday early afternoon, Mom's fever is down and the decision is made to admit her into rehab at University Hospital. You don't know how amazing this is being admitted here. No one thought she had a "prayer" being admitted to this rehab center 10 days ago. Of all the places brain rehab is offered, I personally believe this place to be the best for Mom based on research, facilities and little attrition of staff there that appear to be seasoned having gained this insight Sunday afternoon. It conveniently turned out to be the best place for family that can still see her on a daily basis.
Mom's expressions, awareness and curiosity has improved. When visiting, it's harder to leave Mom now because you can see the emotion of her not wanting you to leave. She enjoys being read to more I think, now that she is more cognitive of what's being said and done.
Tomorrow, she starts rehab from 8am-4pm. The nurse describes it like her going to work each day. On Saturdays, they have rehab in the mornings only and Sunday is a day of rest. Pray that Mom will have the endurance and progress this week that will allow her to stay there to complete her rehab. Pray against anything that would hinder her progress. Give thanks to God the Father for His hand of protection and provision He has had upon Mom and our family.
May He continue to do so for you and yours. May God's love be made known to you and empower you to awaken others whose spirit and soul are still thirsting for such love to be shown to them. To the degree that God's love has been deposited in your life will you be able to invest in others. May we not squander or consume for ourselves such love that Mom and others have deposited into us, but honor them in making it known to others. As we honor the author of this love and His faithful ambassadors, I ask Father that you would bless us with Your peace and the only affirmation that can truly satisfy the soul hearing in the spirit, "Well done." Amen.