medical updates
Published on January 29, 2004 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
1/28 Today is Shea's birthday. 33 yrs ago, he and Mom were on there way to the hospital behind a snowplow leading the way that was called out so they could make it to the hospital. This morning, Shea stood in his driveway waiting for me with the plow because he could not get out due the the 2-3 ft drifts in his driveway. This all came to mind with Shea and was somewhat depressing I think. So what birthday gift could bring the biggest smile ( and some tears of joy in this case also)? Read on.....

Shea went to see Mom Wed . afternoon to spend time with her on his birthday. To everyone's shock and "deer in the headlights" look, Mom softly but clearly uttered to Shea, "Happy Birthday"!!!!!!!!!!! When I arrived, she asked if she was going home tonight. When Scott was leaving, she uttered, "I love you". SHE HAS SPEECH CAPABILITY PEOPLE!!!!!! This is huge based on the reports we got in December with the brain damage to the cerebellum area that is responsible for motor skills and speech. Were the doctors wrong? Maybe....probably not though. The cat scan was fairly conclusive and self evident. Is God sovereign? Yes!

I don't think I really need to suggest to everyone how they might want to address the Living God, author of life and all there was, is and will be.
on Jan 29, 2004
Praise God!! This must have made everyone's day(or year for that matter)! Oh and what a brithday gift it must have made!!!
You all must be absolutely thrilled! Hang in there and know that everyone who cares is still praying for continued progress!!

Jenn (Card) Pilcher
on Jan 29, 2004
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHEA!!! I wish I could have been there to hear those first words!! God is working through the Doctors, Therapists, and family and friends. I pray that this is just the beginning of Connie's miraculous recovery. We are indeed praying many times a day for her complete recoverey. Our prayers are also for each and every member of her family, who want and need her, and want and need to be there for her. God Bless all of you. Much love to you all.
on Jan 29, 2004
This is incredibly wonderful, unexpected, and VERY THRILLING news. The most wonderful birthday present Shea could have gotten. And for all of you, a remarkable breakthrough. The doctors were probably not wrong.....but God is greater than all of medicine. The prayers of His people continue. Blessings on all of you. Love, Bonnie & Bruce
on Jan 29, 2004
WOW!!!! what better proof could we ask for? God is watching out for all of us.
on Jan 30, 2004
No way to top that birthday present is there? Happy Birthday Shea! And Happy New Year to the rest of you! Praise God!
on Jan 31, 2004
This is utterly miraculous!