It was a day of saying to Mom, "As you wish." (If you have seen the movie "The Princess Pride" then you know with what degree of affection this means) She asked for TV service. As you wish, Mom. She asked for her electric piano. As you wish, Mom. She asked for my pen to write. As you wish, Mom. Unfortunately, I couldn't make out most of the message. There is a name for her mental condition that escapes me. I'll give you a word picture though. Imagine that every word you know is a file with all of them in order from a to z. Mom's files are all over the place scattered about. When she closes her eyes, she is searching for the word(s) or file(s). Slowly, she is reorganizing them. As she does, her speach becomes quicker and more cohesive.
The trach comes out Tues or Wed. They will see what weight if any Mom can tolerate with the left hip. Pray for Mom having patience. I suspect that there are several things she is trying to do or say but can't do or we don't understand.
Please pray for wisdom, as we conteplate future arrangements for Mom and what is best for her after rehab. We thought this would be at least a couple to six months down the road, but the doctor mentioned we should start planning now. St. Camillus is another facility that seems likely unless Mom is well enough where we can bring her home or stay with a family member. As long as she continues to show progress and does not "plateau", she will stay where she is for now.
As long as people desire the updates willing to pray for Mom, they will you wish.