medical updates
Published on February 6, 2004 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Apparently, my update on 2/4/04 somehow got deleted. I know I did it, because it was an eventful day. I've since changed the password in case we have a hacker. Let me review....

Wednesday, 2/5 :

Mom has a germ, VRE, that is causing problems similiar to a bad case of a intestinal bug. The hospital and family are asking that there be no more visits except immediate family until this passes and she has had a chance to build up her strength and immune system. Actually, the strength may not be such an issue based on tonight's event. Certainly, her will and determination isn't an issue of timidity.

The trach did not come out today (Wed) as was hoped for and planned last I knew. Aparently, they are going to do this Thursday morning. Mom seemed to be uncomfortable tonight and gittery. I walked in the room and found the neck brace completely off. Her right arm was very active also. I turned my back for one minute to turn the TV on for news and Mom had decided the trach was coming out tonight. She's OK fortunately. I thanked Mom for sparing the expense of paying some doctors to do this but to consult us before doing something like this again.

Friday, 2/6 :

We had a family meeting with the team of doctors this morning to get a progress report and a game plan for the next couple of weeks. Since Mom came to the rehab center, she has done much better than all had expected or thought she could. Mom has physical, occupational, speech and cognitive therapy everyday. We are told that if Mom continues with her progress rate that she could be moved from this acute rehab center to another one that doesn't have to deal with medical issues as much and focuses more on just the rehab aspect. We are being given a time frame of 2-4 weeks.

Mom is learning how to swallow again and progressing. Yesterday she had some applesauce. She got it down put it took some time and effort. Mom is more aware of things around her but also her condition. The limitations she is recognizing I believe are becoming more of a frustration to her. The brain injury makes everything more acute or sensitive be it a touch or itch. If we had a headache, most of us can go on with our daily activity. This would drive Mom absolutely nuts and be unable to focus on other things for the most part. As her brain comes out of the "coma", everything becomes magnified to her. This can be good for Mom but also painful and frustrating at the same time.

Pray that Mom's determination would be a positive focus in rehab and not a hinderance. Pray for her patience and understanding as she progresses slowly. Pray for wisdom and understanding as we conteplate her next move.

We give thanks to God for His hand of provision, protection and love through this whole ordeal. He has always been faithful for every need that has come up. You too have been and continue to be faithful with your prayers and words of encouragement.

God bless you and your families.
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