medical updates
Published on February 21, 2004 By ShawnSkeele In Home & Family
Mom has shown more stability and movement with the medication wearing off and her being more aware. She responds a little to our presence by opening her eyes slightly. She did respond to yes and no questions today for the nurses telling them if she had pain or needing the bed adjusted. They tried to wean her from the respirator some but to no avail.

The nurses are doing a good job of playing her music regularly.

The heart and respiratory failure was due to excess fluid and blood infection affecting the white blood cells. The heart muscle and valves seem to be fine. The antibiotics are addressing the infection and fluid is being suctioned out as well as the body absorbing it.

Mom was progressing well in rehab, so this must be frustrating to her. Please pray for her continued progress and God's peace upon her during this ordeal.

I would also ask continued prayer for her family as God leads. Our patience regarding this whole matter is being tried with out a doubt.

on Feb 21, 2004
Shawn, We are all praying many times a day for you all and for your Mom. Cathie W. called today. Rog has folks in Maryland praying. Bob Balls church in Pa are praying. I have found more than ever I have to turn her over to the Lord she Loves so much and trust him. Joan
on Feb 22, 2004
Shawn, It will take time for her to combat all of this. I know it is frustrating and hard for you all, and especially when she was doing so well before. She has a strength that is now being put to use in a big way. What a fighter she is. Am on my way to church this morning in Pensacola, Fl. A big church, and we will pray for Connie and your family. Love, Bonnie & Bruce