My apologies in being away so long. I'll try not to neglect the update for so long again.
Mom's condition has improved in ICU. In fact, as of now, they may have moved her in step down ICU. I'll know tomorrow morning. They have been trying to wean her off the respirator the past few days having some success for 3-5 hrs at a time. Last I knew, she had been off the respiratory most of today. Mom is alert and anxious to communicate but hindered with the ventilator tube in her mouth. It's frustrating for her. The heart and respiratory failure did not cause any damage to the brain that we know, and Mom hasn't given any sign telling us otherwise.
The white blood cell count is stable and good. The fluid is draining though a continue battle for Mom with it interfering with her breathing at times. They have cut back on the pain medication as much as possible so that she may be able to get off the ventilator.
Please keep Mom in your prayers and family. Distractions will always abound to keep one from doing that which they have been called to do, but " one serving as a soldier should allow one to be entangled with the affairs of life, so that He who enrolled him as a soldier, he may please Him." II Tim 2:4
As I retool and focus, the updates should pick up some along with our reading of Rick Warren's book.
The family wishes to thank all those contributing to the Valentine heart. I know Mom was very appreciative of the effort and comments made.
God Bless.