medical updates
ShawnSkeele's Articles In Home & Family » Page 6
December 5, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
Today was a restful day for Mom. Her heartrate was strong and stable all day as well as the blood pressure though higher at times than what is preferred. If the vital signs remain stable, they will look to wean her from the respirator slowly starting tomorrow and through the weekend. A cat scan was done this morning to look for any new developments. It revealed that the size of the contusion on the brain has shrunk a little! Just as the largest organ of her body is looking better(her ski...
December 3, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
Good news/ so-so news..... The so-so news is that Mom's blood pressure has skyrocketed to the point that they could not think about doing the tracheotomy or place the feeding tube directly to her stomach. They are having trouble it seems in getting the right balance of medication to control the heart rate and blood pressure at the same time. A cat scan will be done tomorrow or the next day to see if something else is going on. Leaving the respirator tube in longer enhances risks to the voc...
December 2, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
Finally, it's up and running. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to categorize in order by date for each update. So for those of you who are just getting up to speed about Mom, you'll have to scroll up and down to read the updates in order. If you click on "shawn skeele's articles", this will condense the updates so you can see more of them at one time. Thank you for your patience regarding this website and tell everyone you know about it. Many of you have been a tremendous help in di...
December 2, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
Subject: mom update Date: Tue, 25 Nov 2003 02:34:36 -0500 11/25/03....12:30am "The prayer of a righteous man availeth much..." ( Eph 5:16) I come before you tonight with a thankful heart to God with His never ending grace and to the perseverance of the saints. It's late, so this will be short and to the point. Prayers are being answered regarding the pulmonary issues. One of the two tubes in her left lung has been removed. The right lung is not draining much fluid, so that tub...
December 2, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
Subject: a good day for mom Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2003 01:32:18 -0500 If are receiving this email in error, please contact me to be taken off the update. 11/21/03, 12:45 am. Thursday was a good day in that there were no new complications or surprises. Vital signs are good on a regular basis and some positive steps are being taken we feel in trying help Mom. A different neck brace was installed Wednesday to better stable the neck area. Thursday, Mom has been moved onto a different ...
December 2, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
Subject: Mom update Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 14:23:46 -0500 Good afternoon everyone. Sorry for getting this out late today. Some of you are getting this for the first time and will be shocked about the news. My family and I extend any apologies for not having contacted you in some way beforehand. We are working on getting a website up for Mom where everyone can go to it 24/7 to view updates and past information for those just hearing about Mom's car accident. Stay tune for that address....
December 2, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
11/18/03...8am I have good news to share with you all. As of this morning, Mom has shown consistant signs of stability with vital signs. Some swelling of her face has diminished where she looks recognizable. She has been responding consistantly with opening her eyes and movement of fingers. Because of this, the doctors have held off inserting a tube to the brain to measure pressure again the brain and how that can affect motor skills , etc. All her extremeties have been responsive to t...
December 2, 2003 by ShawnSkeele
11/25/03, 11:41pm Good day to all of you "precious souls" out there as Rupert from "Survivor" would say. We are hoping that by Friday, the website will be up. It will consist of some history since there are many still just finding out about Mom, daily updates about her condition, prayer focuses, answers to prayer, commentaries from the hearts of family and friends, and possibly a section summarizing periodic readings from a book, The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, Mom and others...