From Mom: My husband just reminded me that nothing has been put on the Website and January is over half gone. So..... We spent the weekdays in December reading all your good Christmas mail! Thank you to all of you who still use this tradition as a way to keep in touch with friends and family. On Christmas morning, we invited Scott to have breakfast with us and open the "Santa sock" that we had filled for him. Breakfast was eggs, sweet rolls, waffles coffee and trimmings, so I am sur...
From Mom: The news continues to be good, though not as good or as quickly as I would prefer. I have been Christmas shopping by catalog orders, made one trip to the mall with two friends and have been wrapping the orders when delivered to our home. This week, we will be mailing and sending to out of town family that we do not expect to see for the holidays. This past weekend, I was able to attend a basketball game by Shea's JV team and attend the Skeele Agency Christmas party for owner...
From Mom: It is nearly November 1st and winter will soon be upon us. (Nov 9th....It is!!!) The latest news is that we have had house guests for the last two weekends. My brother was here and spoke at our church, and I had my first meeting with his new wife, Myra. She is a sweetheart, and Dan is very I am very happy for both of them. Then we had Steven and his family here from Houston for three days including his in-laws. After they left, I walked 1.2 miles for the Cropwalk...
From: Connie Skeele To : All the loyal website checkers I am told that the most recent entry on this site was Aug. 1st and several have wondered if that was the most recent news. There are two answers to that: The first answer is "no" --- the second answer is that there is no longer the urgency to get the news posted, because the recovery continues, slowly but surely. I have been at home to stay for about 3 months now and the healing process continues, in answer to many prayers....
Mom has reached the official senior citizen milestone....65! Everyday since the accident is another day to give thanks to God the Father, her creator. I haven't been able to see Mom much the past two months due to my injury, but the time I have brings joy seeing the progress she's making. In Texas, GW's swagger may be called walking, but in NY, Mom's bounce in her "walk" now is simply a testimony of God's grace. Then there's her left hand and fingers. There, the local family members...
Today was the annual Skeele Agency picnic for all the office personnel and families. Crochet has become a tradition at this event where Mom and I have clearly established ourselves as fierce competitors aspiring to inspire all those involved to reach their full potential in skill AND diplomacy which is half the game. Due to both our current conditions this year, we loathed having to concede our participation this year. A few witty comments from the peanut gallery watching reminded me that ...
Happy Independence Day! Mom is slowly enjoying a little more "independence" as she slowly gets stronger and wants to do more things. Mom and I had breakfast this morning at 5:45am as Dad went to help out with the Cazenovia run. We scanned the paper finding a section of 40 questions testing our aptitude of U.S. & Central NY history. After church, Mom and Dad came up to our house to celebrate Noah's birthday early since other relatives were visiting also. I want to thank you all ag...
Mom's strength is returning. She appears more alert and active overall. Steve made a surprise appearance this weekend to see MOm. There was lots of laughter and catching up with the activities going on in Houston and his family. I have an interesting story to share with you all. It reminded me of a country song with the theme of not letting "the chain of love end with you" where you continually pass on doing self sacrificing acts for others without expectation of compensation or prai...
Mom is back from the hospital today still recovering from a fever and feeling very weak. With around the clock care and supervision, she's in good hands thanks to Dad's devotion and help of some friends....thank you. This will set Mom back some with her continued rehab. Hopefully in a week or so, she'll be able to continue walking around gaining strength and confidence in caring on daily tasks and routine.
Mom's visit home was brief unforturnately. Today, Mom has developed a fever with a urinary tract infection that has gone to the kidney. At 1am, Mom was taken to Hamilton Hospital to receive a antibiotic by injection to work faster. She will be remaining there for observation and further treatment that may be necessary.
Tomorrow, Mom will be coming home for good! We encourage phone calls and visitation with notice. She will still need extensive care at home. There is still limited usage of her left arm and hand. It's only a guess as to how much she will be able to use them. Indications from the brain injury are still evident, but a lot less than what anyone thought. The continuing of this website is being discussed now that Mom is able to communicate effectively and at home to make and receive pho...
"The Kingdom of heaven is like a treasure hidden in the field, which a man found and hid again; and from joy over it he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field." Matt. 13:44 Most moms ( and dads) I believe when looking into their new born's eyes see part of their image or treasure worth sacrificing for. I believe Jesus could see the treasure in all of mankind or His image that inspired Him to joy, tears, compassion and His destiny here on earth. "To them He also presen...
Mom is now getting out and away from the facility. She was able to see my daughters perform in a bell choir concert at Eastern Hills Bible Church, go to a Gaither concert with Dad and friends and on Mother's Day attended church service at her church in DeRuyter while enjoying a Mother's Day dinner at Centro's next door afterwards. She tremendously enjoyed the church choir coming up to the facility to perform and sing to the residents there. Though emotional seeing many of her friends sin...
It's a good day in that Mom continues to progress in rehab. Her stamina increases slowly but is still quite tired by late afternoon looking forward to lying down in bed and reflecting on the days events. We have been getting Mom outside in the wheelchair and will begin taking her out on furlows to different events: bell choir at EHBC my daughters are in, Gaither concert, Chittenango Oz Festival parade and more are on the agenda. Your calls and visits are encouraged. Please contact a fam...
Greetings to all you precious souls as Rupert would say. Go Rupert! If you have no idea who he is, he's one of the last 6 contestants on "Survivor". In real life, I'm routing for Mom and she's doing pretty good with her trials and challenges. I'm going to break down her progress in 4 areas: Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy and medications Occupational Therapy: There is continued improvement with her left arm gaining more movement and dexterity with the fingers...