Some good news comes your way. Mom's left arm and hand are showing signs of improvement with her bending the elbow and movement of the fingers along with them starting to stretch out more. She still has very limited use and movement, but now uses the left hand to hold her tooth brush to get the paste on. Though Mom sees this as such a baby step, it's huge to us not having seen her use the arm since Nov 16th, and knowing the extensive damage it has endured. Mom welcomes your calls and ...
Date: Mon, 17 Nov 2003 11:29:02 -0500 For some of you this is new and some not. This message is going out to everyone we know and are inquiring about Mom or would want to know about past events concerning Mom. We are being swamped with calls at home and so to minimize this and to keep people up to date so they know specifically what to pray for, here is a brief history and update regarding Mom. Mom had a car accident approximately around 1:oo pm Sunday afternoon coming back from church...
Mom was coming back from Church on 11/16/03 around 1:05 pm and loss control on an icy road going off the road and hitting the corner of a house. Due to weather, they could not get the helicopter there and she was rushed to University Hospital. She had to be recessitated once and remained extremely unstable for the afternoon and evening. There were signs of communication with the fingers on the right hand late Sunday night and Monday morning. Here are the extent of her injuries: Left side.....